Subject Lead - Miss Dobinson
At Skelton School it is our intent to provide a high-quality science education where children are inspired and challenged, whilst being equipped with the knowledge and skills to design and interpret science experiments, understand scientific concepts and use appropriate key vocabulary through science conversation. We aim to enable our pupils to think critically, develop a good understanding of the subject and to understand how science and investigation are both a key part of the curriculum. We believe a coherently planned and sequenced curriculum allows children to revisit, secure and build upon previous knowledge, skills and vocabulary.
- Science Overview Y1 and 2.pdf
- Skelton School EYFS Science and Exploration.pdf
- science-overview-y3-and-4 updated.pdf
- Science Overview Year 5.6.pdf
EYFS Light Investigation
EYFS Materials Sorting
Year 1&2 - Healthy Eating - making smoothies with Orian and making fruit salads
Year 1&2 - Animals including Humans - visit to the Wildlife Park
Year 3&4 - egg experiment
Year 5/6 Properties of Materials - separating mixtures predictions
Year 5/6 - Charles Darwin’s Finches Investigation
Year 5/6 - How does light travel? We investigated how light travels in straight lines using a torch, pipe and coloured plastic.
Year 5/6 Living things - lifecycle of plants - We planted our own sweet pea seeds and have loved watching them grow! We have also been growing our own Spider plant and creating new plants from the runners. We also went out into the growing garden to plant a range of seeds and bulbs!
Primary National Curriculum Overview
Year Group |
Curriculum Coverage and Content and Statutory Requirements Pupils should be taught to…. |
KS1 |
Year 1 |
Animals including Humans
Everyday Materials
Seasonal Changes
Year 2 |
Living Things and their Habitats
Animals including Humans
Uses of Everyday Materials
Year Group |
Curriculum Coverage and Content and Statutory Requirements Pupils should be taught to…. |
Lower KS2 |
Year 3 |
Animals including Humans
Forces and Magnets
Year 4 |
Living Things and their Habitats
Animals including Humans
States of Matter
Year Group |
Curriculum Coverage and Content and Statutory Requirements Pupils should be taught to…. |
Upper KS2 |
Year 5 |
Living Things and their Habitats
Animals including Humans
Properties and Changes of Materials
Earth and Space
Year 6 |
Living Things and their Habitats
Animals including Humans
Evolution and Inheritance